Bible Quizzes Chapter 10


1 / 10

How old was Abraham when he had his first son Ishmael?

2 / 10

Who had the vision that is recorded in the Book of Revelation?

3 / 10

What is the message of the Revelation?

4 / 10

In the Parable of the Great Banquet, who did Jesus say to invite?

5 / 10

Which is the great commandment?

6 / 10

What are The Dead Sea Scrolls

7 / 10

What did Jesus command him to do after he restored the sight of the man who was born blind?

8 / 10

Who were the only people allowed to escape from the destruction of Sodom with sulfur and fire?



9 / 10

Who did Jesus command to walk on water with him?

10 / 10

What does The Golden Rule say?

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