Wall of Honor

This wall is a tribute to all those people whom God brought to my life to make it possible for me to fulfill my dream of becoming a kind and compassionate physician, and a good neurosurgeon. Some gave me a chance; others guided me as I established myself.  To all, I say THANK YOU!


This wall is a tribute to all those people whom God brought to my life to make it possible for me to fulfill my dream of becoming a kind and compassionate physician, and a good neurosurgeon.

Dr. Abraham A. Ordia.
Madam Grace Abebe Ordia.
Joseph Ransohoff, M.D.
Vernon Mark, M.D.
Charles Poletti, M.D.
Keasley Welch, M.D.
John Shillito, M.D.
Kenneth Winston, M.D.
E. Gary Fischer, M.D.
Edward L. Spatz, M.D.

Dr. Abraham A. Ordia.
Madam Grace Abebe Ordia.
Joseph Ransohoff, M.D.
Vernon Mark, M.D.
Charles Poletti, M.D.
Keasley Welch, M.D.
John Shillito, M.D.
Kenneth Winston, M.D.
E. Gary Fischer, M.D.
Edward L. Spatz, M.D.

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