Chapter 11

Names and Meanings

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What is the meaning of the name Jesus?

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What is the meaning of the name Christ?

3 / 10

What name is associated with beloved, the exalted one?

4 / 10

What name is associated with divine favor, increase in number, leadership, and strength?

5 / 10

What Biblical name means Father of a multitude of nations?

6 / 10

What is a commonly accepted biblical meaning of “Grace?”

7 / 10

What is the origin of the name Lydia

8 / 10

What name refers to God contends, Wrestles with God, and Triumphant with God”?

9 / 10

Which place in biblical texts is commonly associated with “City of Peace”?

10 / 10

Jesus referred to God as “Abba” which means “Father” or “Dad” in Aramaic. In what other language does it mean “Father”?

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