Bible Quizzes Chapter 17


1 / 10

Shalom means Peace in what language?

2 / 10

Who was the son of Abraham and Sarah?

3 / 10

Salaam means Peace in what language?

4 / 10

Who was the son of Abraham and Hagar?

5 / 10

What is the meaning of the name “Abraham”?

6 / 10

Whose name was changed to Israel?

7 / 10

Who was married to Jacob?

8 / 10

In the parable of the Good Samaritan, who was the first to see the victim half dead, yet looked the other way and failed to help him?

9 / 10

What did John the Baptist eat in the wilderness?

10 / 10

Why did Zechariah and Elizabeth not name their son after his father?

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