Chapter 28

You Shall Not Steal

1 / 10

What commandment says “You shall not steal”?

2 / 10

What is the first example of stealing in the Bible?

3 / 10

Who suffered the consequences of eating the fruit that did not belong to them?

4 / 10

Who stole his brother’s inheritance?

5 / 10

What consequences did Jacob face for stealing Esau’s inheritance?

6 / 10

Who stole money from the disciples’ treasury?

7 / 10

How did Jesus cleanse the Temple?

8 / 10

Which story best illustrates the consequences of lying, dishonesty and deceit?

9 / 10

After Jesus visited his house, who showed remorse and vowed to repay anyone he has cheated?

10 / 10

Who was the thief to whom Jesus extended the hand of forgiveness while hanging on the cross?

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